Cesar Arcasi-Matta •  Analytical Chemist

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Check out all these resources to continue learning about Analytical Chemistry


Analytical Chemistry is part of the following Field Guide(s):

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Tips from Cesar Arcasi-Matta
  • Exploration and discovery are what makes science so exciting. And you can get started on your own through the internet. Look to sources like Youtube, Kahn Academy, Chemistry KibreTexts, Reddit, Quora, and Google Scholar. Actively seek out opportunities like volunteering, internships, and networking. You can even sign up to the email chains for university departments that seem interesting to you to stay up-to-date with their latest work.

  • Unfortunately, experiments don’t always go as planned. Things will often go wrong or you may not get the result you were hoping for. When situations like these arise it’s important to remember to ask for help. After all, smart people aren’t just born that way. They’re just willing to learn, to practice, and to ask for help in order to solve a problem. Speak to a school counselor or someone with experience in higher education, participate in school clubs or programs, visit nearby university campuses and departments of interest, and learn to be comfortable asking questions.

  • Don’t be afraid to try new things and get out of your comfort zone. It sounds scary, but being new at something is the most amazing spot to be in! Think about it. At this stage, no one is expecting you to be the best. Your only job is to be a sponge that absorbs the information you’re being taught. You can carry the good experiences with you for confidence, and learn to use the bad experiences to push you toward becoming a better version of yourself. Just don’t forget to enjoy the journey.

Related Scientists

Check out other people and careers in chemistry.

Recommended Resources

  • Explore Applications of Genomic Technologies

    The type of products and technologies that Cesar works on supports research across a wide range of fields and issue areas. Check out Illumina’s collection of discovery videos to learn more about the types of problems their technology addresses.


  • Build Your Skills

    Cesar believes in the power of taking initiative and learning the skills you need to do the work you care about. There are countless free programs online to help you get started, but this is one of our favorites. Check out the “Professional Skills” and “Data Science” modules to earn badges and build skills that could be useful in any field.


  • Learn more about Analytical Chemistry

    If you’ve already taken some courses in chemistry and biology, and want to learn more about the field of Analytical Chemistry, check out this free, self-paced course on EdX!


  • Interview with an Analytical Chemist

    In this short video, featuring Livia Eberlin, you can see a different example of an Analytical Chemist’s work. Watch as she breaks down why she loves the field, and the impact her work is having on cancer diagnosis.


This spotlight was made possible by Illumina

Illumina is a life science company that believes genomics will change everything–from how we diagnose and treat cancer to how we feed the world’s population. They’re also committed to education, and building a collection of resources to help bring genomics into classrooms in dynamic and exciting ways.


Looking for teacher resources?

PHOTOGRAPHER: Tchanavia Lastie • Illustrator: Eira Gemanil


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